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February 27, 2013



Gotta love a sale. A little something I keep reminding myself "a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down". No one has ever said how big the spoon needs to be, & some days my spoonful looks like a shovel. Take care of yourself

Denise Barrett

Hi Natalie,
It is so lovely to see you back again. I have just read what had happened and I cant believe it. Some people are just so sick and are obviously sooo jealous of people that they have to try to cut them down. I only came onto your blog today as I was going to try to contact some of the other designers that I knew you were friends with to try to find out if you were OK as I used to read your blog all the time and had noticed your absence for so long and I was really concerned for you. I did a double take and had to re read and re read the date to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me and that you were really back. I hope the days ahead get easier for you and you can return to the bubbly happy person you were. I used to giggle at all stories you used to share with us and your humour. Good luck and welcome back.

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