Somebody call D.O.B.S...."Department of Blog Services" and report me for the pure neglect that I have thrust upon my poor blog..............!! "HAPPY NEW YEAR" to everyone too by the way.....LOL....OH and belated MERRY CHRISTMAS xxxxxx Hope you all had a fantabulous one!
No need to go into why I have been so neglectful but let's just say I had "stuff" to attend to and also wanted and needed some very special & valuable family time :))
So just popping in for a short visit to touch base and to let you know that I am still alive 'n' kicking. Doing some clearing and de-cluttering here at home before embarking on a very creative year. Back soon to share my Christmas experience with you. I shall leave you with this......
A gorgeous chrissy gift from one of my dearest friend's, Manda aka Mrs Bug........2 of my favourite things in this world....Tea & Ladybirds!! Too cute for words. Thanks again Manda xxxxxx
See you all soon
Smooth sailin' "In Stitches"
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