Man o man how time flies.................... I have been busy prepping some new designs for the up and coming AQM which is our trade show down in Melbourne. That's on next month, so in between organising Jack with appointments and schooling and teaching, the odd meltdown, oh and taking just a little bit of time off here and there due to "almost burned out & lost my mind" LOL........I am squeezing in a blog post to give you all a quick update.
I do have to say that with taking just a little bit of time off from sewing like a maniac as I do, that my shoulder and thumb have loved me for it. I only noticed the other day that my precious left frozen shoulder, that always hurts, wasn't hurting. YAY..YAY..YAY!
"Hmmm" I said to myself and self "I wonder why?"........oh DOH! no stitching. That'll do it. So it's been nice to rest my worn out bit's and pieces....hahahahaha! AND I am also off down to Country Hart with my trusty choccie lovin' travelling buddy Gail for our weekend of teaching fun with the groovy gals of Port Pirie S.A. Sooooooooooooooo looking forward to that. I have some very cute and scrummdiddlyumptious things for them to stitch. So I have another sneeky peeky and this one is for the "Brookies"...........LOLOLOL
Can you pick it girls????? hey?? hey??....hehehehehehe see you soon!!
Now with my absence I do have a design that I have released recently.......geeeze I have been slack haven't I. This is called "Christmas Candy" and we will be sitting down to that turkey roast before you can say.....humdiddlydiddlyhumdiddlyhum!!! :)
Check it out.................
The ever reliable shopping bag with a sweet little coin purse. Pattern available now!!
Now I haven't had a giveaway for ages so when I return from Port Pirie, I will have a showcase of goodies to share with you so I think we just may have to share the love a bit with some free patterns hey?? sounds like a plan doesn't it. Also I have some info I would like to share next time about this years Quilt Aid 2011. It is GOOOOORGEOUS!!
Until next time...........
Stay grooooovy "in stitches"
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